Teak plants of this type of owning prospect which is both for agricultural produce and also invesment. Because at age five year, have been enjoyed by its result. Differ from the ordinary teak tree, its crop gyrate 15-20 year once. Not merely farm owner, farmer, and investor getting sharing holder from planting this pre-eminent teak. Countryside even also follow to get the sharing holder from planting teak tree which its seed use the seed of teak of plus Perhutani
In the early 2007, as much 57.000 pre-eminent teak tree planted in region of Regency Magetan by entangling farmer 385 people, in 19 countryside, with the investor 179 people
'' Nowadays, at August 2008, teak amount planted reach 130.000 tree by entangling 926.000 farmer, covering Regency Magetan, Ponorogo, and Madiun,'' word of Bambang Sudikusmardiko, Lead The Unit Delegation of is Effort sharing holder of Co-Operation of Housing of Wanabakti Nusantara ( KPWN) Madiun. Bambang at one blow as supervisor
To 2008-2009, this co-operation target to plant 150.000 pre-eminent teak tree in region of is ex Keresidenan Madiun, that is Magetan, Ponorogo, Ngawi, and Madiun
Muhajid, Hunchbacked Countryside farmer, Big knife Subdistrict, Regency Magetan, follow the this sharing holder program. He tell its farm rear house for the width of 1.000 metre persegi is first cultivated by the paddy (Rice). In one year harvest twice. If calculated, during five year cultivated by the paddy, its result about Rp. 7 million
While if planted by a pre-eminent teak, in its five result year can reach about Rp39 million. '' That'S interesting of my enthusiasm plant the teak of this type of,'' saying Muhajid
As much 1.000 metre of persegi of ownership land of Muhajid cultivated by 225 bar of teak tree. If assumed by every tree of age of its five price year is Rp500.000, meaning 225 bar yield Rp112.500.000. As farmer which at one blow farm owner, he get the shares 35% from result entirely, that is Rp39.375.000. Sharing holder that felt fair make a number of farmer in East Java and West Java start interested to follow the program of effort sharing holder conducted by KPWN, Departmental co-operation of Forestry Managing Director of Unit of UBH KPWN Haryono Suroso to Indonesia Media, yesterday, telling in this time teak tree planted by have reached the amount 318.000 tree with the farmer amount 1.329 people. Its region even to West Java, covering Earing and Purwakarta. Sale of result of crop become the responsibility fasilitator that is Unit of UBH KPWN. Farmer will accept the cleanness of sales revenue at the price of according to marketing. If assumed, marketing price of per tree of about Rp500.000, program this jack up the people economics, specially people in countryside. At one blow also open the opportunity work planting teak tree can improve/repair the environmental condition, preventing floods, and erosion. On the other side, wood industry become the splashy.(Agustanto)