How to safe your money and you get nice profit in the future and How to Safe the world from global warming ? Now we have a solution, you can Invest your money with making Teak Plantation, you only wait 8 year and you get nice money, give work to the people in the plantation area and give you one of the most profitable investment in the world today. Teak investing is the nice Investing and the most safe investing in the world, now in INDONESIAN have company, company name is PT. BALI AGRO you can make deal with this company how you make invest, this company have a choice for you : Shareholder or PMA and another choice, you to be a lucky investor. For more information you can e-mail us. Indonesian is one of the first Country's in the world there make "MANAGEMENT TEAK PLANTATION", nearly two hundreds years ago, INDONESIAN have today with "CULTURE JARINGAN" (TEAK CLONING) make a high quality fast growing teak culture. Indonesia have today 31% of all teak plantation in the world, teak investment Indonesian offer you the possibility to make investment in one of the most Interesting wood in the World "TEAK". Your investment will give you one of the most profitable investment in the world today. Help to make the reforesting in the world effective, you are to be rich in the future.