Indonesia in the last few years always bumped into disaster when seen disaster based on from environment problem and handlings wrong. wave flood pair, slide and drought has been annual disaster tradition never finished even per annum more has increased bad those disasters has been effect of global heating. Global heating that makes restless bations throughout world among others is caused by surplus karbondioksida (co2) on the air and that be impact from lost it a large part world forest tree - the tree absorbs karbondioksida, so that temperature increases and ice mount melts. We tree existence the important aware and forests to overcomes danger from global heating impact, and to anticipate forest preservation efforts the mentioned and tree plantings as much as possible and return forest mangrove must be action real from environment activity agenda be be explained in canopy.org (2006), every tree planted has contribution very big for environment and human life one big trees. Can to produce oxygen provision (o2) to 4 person per days. tree total planted in area 4.000 m2 can to absorb karbondioksida (co2) that produced by vehicle that walk as far as 26,000 miles, can to move dioxide sulphur (so2) and nitrogen oxide (n0) (two principal components from sour rain and ozone pollution, besides tree can demote dust and cigarette smokes up to 75% in area that shelterred tree, decrease hot and temperature at urban affairs area as much as 90c where is evaporation from one trees can produce refrigeration effect in the amount with ten air conditioner that operate 20 clocks a day. Also show that plants that grow at urban affairs haves ability delays heartbeat decreases high blood pressure makes taste relax in idea, decrease 40% voice pollution by noise that can influence hypertension, cholesterol enhanced, petulance and aggresive behaviours, with the green colour make calm and help eye restoration quickly from strains.